
Cartagena Summer of 2011

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Good? Bad? Like or Dislike?

Scott Berkum, An American Author, Displays us in his text "how to give and receive criticism" A different view of critism. 
First this intelectual, graduated in both philosophy and design, explains how we use to get critism as something negative. He clarify how critism can be both negative and positive. He makes a brief description of how to be a good receptor of critism and how as well be a goood critic. Therby the author contrast like or dislike from something good or bad. 
Berkum ideas seem pretty legit and humble, in my point of view he doesn't sound like an arrogant critic. Which is the the reputation critics use to have. 
So the million dollar question is? critic? or receptor?
If I where to choose I would choose to be a receptor. I find it both more easy and pleasurable.
Well, just as Berkum said, its difficult to diferenciate from your taste to the real good or bad. Also I find it enjoyable improving works and becoming better and I know that to achieve this I most be critized.

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