
Cartagena Summer of 2011

Monday, September 30, 2013



-       Tim and Jessica are normal guys, who live in New York City; they both have a background in design. Tim and Jessica are both really good friends, who’ve known each other long time ago. Tim and Jessica have something peculiar in common, they both have had bad experience with love relationships.

-       Tim in one hand is badly known as a “man hooker”, he jumps from one relationship to another really fast and he’s afraid of relationships.

-       Jessica on the other hand is a full time lover, gets really serious really fast.

Tim and Jessica created a project, a really cool project if you ask me, this project propose is to help them both to change this  “love matter” from something bad to something good.

But how are they going to do that?

Well they both found out that it takes a human being 40 days to change a bad habit. Therefore they both are going to date for that amount of time and see what happens.  Are they risking too much? are they putting they’re friendship on a risky place?, maybe! But I think they both are already to mature to mess up a good friendship. Lastly is a cool social experiment, its different, I mean, we see this kind of stuff al the time on t.v but it isn’t real.

I think this project is a great basis because it shows 80 different fonts on 80 different posts with different designs. It is indeed pretty cool, because each one is defining not only a day but also the emotion of the day and the main idea of that peculiar day.  Additionally you may observe how the font are directly related with the description, it smoothest and let the idea spread fluently. For example if the design of the post is modern the letters as well are, so everything goes together perfectly you can observe the balance of fonts colors and design.

In my case I loved this post for three reasons. Firstly the idea of the matches I though it was brilliant. Secondly I love that it is in always on movement, how it becomes a cycle and changes words. Lastly but not least I love the color that and the fire lightens up everything.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bulls Memoir

                   My School bus driver always told me,  "People nowadays seem blind". He used to say they have the disability to admire the beatifulnness of the simples things like a flower or a smile . I must say I never forgot his words. Thus every time I travelded to my school the path was different. Traveling to my school, since it was on Bogota's outskirts,  was like driving in Garcia Marquez's Hundred Years of Solitude.  The unpaved street mixed with the peasant infrastructure gave the landscape a quaint feeling.  However what gave the scenery much of its magic, such as Garcia's tales, was the little public school on the corner of the road; better known as "El salitre". Children from  "El Salitre" love to go to my schools activities. These activities are mainly organized by the interested seniors. My interest in these activities lead me to that one experience that changed/challenge my life. 
This is my first paragraph of my memoir!
As you may see expresing your feelings thoughout a postcart isn't any piece of cake!
Here is some atempt to it

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Good? Bad? Like or Dislike?

Scott Berkum, An American Author, Displays us in his text "how to give and receive criticism" A different view of critism. 
First this intelectual, graduated in both philosophy and design, explains how we use to get critism as something negative. He clarify how critism can be both negative and positive. He makes a brief description of how to be a good receptor of critism and how as well be a goood critic. Therby the author contrast like or dislike from something good or bad. 
Berkum ideas seem pretty legit and humble, in my point of view he doesn't sound like an arrogant critic. Which is the the reputation critics use to have. 
So the million dollar question is? critic? or receptor?
If I where to choose I would choose to be a receptor. I find it both more easy and pleasurable.
Well, just as Berkum said, its difficult to diferenciate from your taste to the real good or bad. Also I find it enjoyable improving works and becoming better and I know that to achieve this I most be critized.

Hot spot

                                                    Here is what I'm reading right know
                                                 FASHION?        OR        PHILOSOPHY?

Art Most be beautiful?

                                         So I felt pretty ackward, but I felt. And I felt intensity
                                         Most art be beautiful, Most artist be beautiful?
                                        Is it about chovinism?
                                        Is it about society pressure?
                                       Mental pressure?

The Twiggy Emma

                                           Emma Watson  Aren't they similar?   Twiggy

Friday, September 6, 2013

From Concha Buika to Nostalgia

                        " that love is simple and the simple things are swallowed by time"- Buika

  Oh! What's this?
                           Beautiful Concha's Buika song, the simple things,  is the ninth song of Buika's album "last drink".  Buika with spannish heritage, is not only  a musician but also a great poetician.
                     All of her song contain beautifull lyrics just as this one does.
    ¿HUH?, you dont understand the lyrics but it feels like nostalgia, sorrow and sadness?
    Well indeed it is,  the simple things is a song explaining how we say roughly bye to those simple and insignificant things. She also explains how sadness is at the end the slow death of  our memories, "just as a tree thought- out time dies from its leafs". 
    Unfornatedly it's in spanish, However check it out! a 100% recommended.


Shall cats go in bags and after to rivers?
No! Of course no!
Nontheless I though it was a great piece.

Mario Testino In your Face Potriat or No potrait?

                                                 (Carmen Kass)
 I  just felt great interest to check out Mario's Testino work!
Loved it!, By the way.
Peruvian Photographer known for his relationship with fashion. Has Notable works with a lot of celebrities potraits.
But are they really potraits?, Are we really aprecciating all of this celebrities real personality? or Is it marely Phoniness? The Question reamains.

Main influences: Helmunt Newton and Irving Penn

So why did you get up this mornig?

 There is Just on thing I can say about this movie and it's definately not in my words, it's on the script. (the following video)  Check it out!

If you could only eat one thing what would it be?

                                                  We all had that friend in kindergarten who asked "¿So if you could only eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be?" Hmm Hmm Fine it took me a while but I finally found the answer.
                                                  OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS!

The Dream

                                                         HENRI MATISSE 
 We think of a place, but the place never comes alone it's always acompanied of a feeling.
Which Brings me up to a funny story, the first time I saw this French Artist was here in New York, the first time I saw his Painting was also in New York, I just hopelessly felt in love.
So do we relate those memories to the place where we were?,  Has my starveling curiosity filled me with memories of mystery and joy? Are those the reasons I made New york my home?
  Once and once and once again the dream until the dream is perfect. 


                                             DID YOU KNOW THAT PIGS
                                             - Are one of the smartest animals
                                             - Have the most developed taste
                                            - Are really organized and net although humans make them look like not.
                                           - They can't look upward
                                           - Pigs are as dreamers as humans are
                                           - Pigs have more than 2o vocalizations!!
                                           -  Pigs can play video games
                                           -have a great sense of ubication
                                          - Pigs are the most curious, more ready to explore, to live new expereince
                                            than any other animal.
                                       DONT YOU LOOOVE PIGS!



                                                        Mr. MANATEE

                                        Well as you can observe I'm a cat lover, yes! this are all my cats!, yes they
                                        all live with on my home, back in colombia, yes! they are six!. I love cats
                                        and there is nothing i can do about it. In fact  Im already looking for one 
                                       here. And Ill start volunteering on a pet shop feeding cats next week hurray! 
                                        in NYC.

"The secret of a good old age is simply an honourable pact with solitude"

 "He [Aureliano II ] had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages) would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth."
 - Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, One hundrer years of Solitude 
Garcia Marquez, Colombian Nobel prize.
                                                          BOYACA/ COLOMBIA

Beauty Beauty Beauty ART?

                                                     DEATH IN VENICE THOMAS MANN
                                            Here it is one of the reasons Im here today doing what I do.
                                            Guilt is on this book, who changed my perspective,  who made me think                                              twice.