
Cartagena Summer of 2011

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Avatar Project Power Point and Reflection

I must say thougtout this project I had a lot of fun I realized I like a lot working with 3D projects and garments. I want to explore more that circle, the research part was also fun I fianlly could integrate what I liked both theorically and visually to my projects which was great!. Showing my ideas into a project is a great way of discovering things, I must confess my project wasn't from the beggining the same, it was a process which lead me different Ideas that I think were more pulished. Lastly I must say I would love to reapeat this experience.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Starting the avatar project brough up a lot of questions regarding, what if something that I have in y mind doesn't work?, well that definitely happened on the process and there is things I had to change through the path.
Thress is basically the body of all the project nonetheless it has taken more time that I though it would.

As the dress is finished the second and most difficult question is would it be in armor with the decoration I planned?, well all the idea of the drees is to show a dystopian and femme fatale society, Im still wondering if I should change some stuff but here are the cut parts so far 

This two are components I will use to make the piece more interesting 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SCIENCE FICTION GROUP PROGRESS (Group Grid!/ Mood Board/ Palette Color + Vocab)


                                           FORESIGHT                         TRAVEL                           ARCHITECTUAL
                  HUMANOID                           GALAXY                      FUTURISTIC
                                       IMAGINATIVE                   MINIMALIST                     INOVATION
                 DISBILIEF                             TECHONOLOGICAL


Look at this, it may help your bad habits
Reasons to stop those bad habits!!

Psychologist Discusses Facebook Addiction


The new form is on construction nonetheless the basic basis are already in.
This avatar has to represent the femme fatale characteristics just as I said before.
This avatar is obviously a female.
She is strong, furious, atractive, destructive, irresistible, beautiful, minimalist, gluterry, inteliggent, agile

She will be a destructive and atractive woman. who kills everyman who comes in her way, she doesnt believe in love, beceause in her planet there isn't sort of thing, she dosn't know what emotions are, she is an allien, never grow old and eats males to survive. She will be the creation of a toxic flower, no parents at all or cultural context. she is toxic, and combats the chovinism world war and desforastation. after seeing how poultion killed the flower she came from.

*It has to create attention and fear
* be sexy and violent
* rough and beautiful

Just as trinity do, the avat will be the main character the focus atention. It will recall characteristics of trinity simple, minimalist, a plain color pallete. However very sexy!

Life Questions
This Avatar is obvioulsy a representation of the female gender and most have all the characteristis that it implies.
The real controversy or life question is  ¿how the female gender has been transofrming throughout time? 
¿ what image does science fiction reflect of the female gender?
¿ is this femme fatale image that we associate on our science fiction movies the image that females are creating?
Both the movie we saw (Gravity) and Matrix, present main characters that are women. Both character represent roughness, inteligence,  idealist among other things.

¿ is the woman idea changing thoughout time?
¿ do we have an other idea, in our present of woman?
Now weman in movies can be astronauts, be computer hackers
¿ are genders equalizing?


Femme fatale a really common word nowadays in our society, but what does this word really implies?
To be a femme fatale you first need to be a woman obviously, nontheless is not the only thing. A femme fatale is a woman strong enough to stand for herself, to be the main character in her story, the role model of their life.
¡A femme fatale is sexy but dangaraus a person to be afraid.!
¡A femme fatale is seductive and violence.!

All this aesthetic is really difficult tu capture and its definately going to be a challenge in this project.
My Femme fatale for this science fiction based project is one that I consider stresses all this

Trinity is the main female role in the matrix, not to say that the only one. A female is difficult to potray in the matrix due to its high violence and rough tasks troughout the movie. Nonetheless Trinity plays one of the most important roles in this movie, she although a woman, represent hardness, intelligence and agility.
Her physical characteristics are easy to potray, she is beautiful, skinny, simple, smooth skin, quite an antonym of her personality.  


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Science Fiction Group and activity!!

Science fiction hmm at the begining it didnt sound fun at all BUT!,(there is always a but), I tried it I search for it and finally with my group went to see gravitity on theares, and love the racking emotion it made me feel throughout the show!!.

Here are some Pictures and questions I came while seeing the movie

Three question I thought
1. what colors do we relate with feelings of mysterious, unkown and futuristic
2. how fashion has been involve in futuristic themes
3. what materials are there that are shinny, metallic, and glittery

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Sick of seeing your friends addiction to the phone?, or even your family members.
These are some tecnics wikihow shares to persuade people to stop login in.
 I chose the best ones!

1.  Make people believe you are extremely busy so they put a 100% attention to you and stop talking or chatting on the phone.

2. suggest a game so that none of the aliens can touch their phones.

3. engage the individual to a conversation in which he or she doesnt have time to check his or her phone.

4. call the person to their phone while their using it, to make them realize how unrespectful their being.

5. if your freind seems not to understand tell him or her to re'shedule the appontiment, this rude way may help them realize what they're doing and stop it.

Peer to Peer

Peer to Peer Interview
 Na Kyung Kim Outstanding dreamy artist, great drawer and friend was born and raised on South Korea.
A Potential Illustration major, Na Kyung came to America to fulfill her dreams doing what she loved, art. As many teenager, who come to study on the US, Kyung had to complete several exams and essay which in her case weren’t at all enjoyable but which were nonetheless worth it. Kyung remember with bitterness those days when she had to make toefls and sat exams, as she told me, in her society they put a lot of pressure on students to produce excellent result. Besides this pressure, which indeed is already overwhelming, Kyung comes from one of the best international schools in Korea, where students use to have perfect sat scores and go to Ivy League schools.

Kyung family expected her to study phycology or sociology to run her family business, a middle school. Although most of her life she though of studying this, basically because it was what her family expected, she found out her real passion was drawing. It wasn’t an easy path for the teenage girl that is obsessed with comics and animation. In fact, she had to confront her parent and tell them she was going to apply to art schools and she was willing to bear the consequences.

There where several moments and events that maid her decide her path. One of the most important ones was her time in Oklahoma when she was a kid. Thanks to her father’s work, Kyung lived in the states for an entire year. Back in those days she remembers sneaking out of all that academic pressure she had in Korea, she remembers the fresh air, the club, the t.v and pool days on Oklahoma. Kyung has a pleasant memory of America that leads her to do college here.
Artistically talking, Kyung loves fairy and natural landscapes thus most of her drawings and animations are cute fury and have a fairy style. Her favorite illustrators are Alphonse Mucha and Pierre Renoir. She feels strongly inspire by their descriptive and deliberate drawings.

Kyung drawings are a clearly expression of art nouveau, she emphasize her drawing a lot on heavily curvy shapes and flowing lines. Her animation on the other hand represents animals such as rabbits and cats.

                   “ I don’t like to write that is why I draw”
Valentina R:  How do you see yourself after college?

Na Kyung Kim: after graduating, illustrating books, I like comics, I like animation and all, so I don’t know opening my own comic or working as a member of Disney as an art director, these general themes like designing characters and things.

VR:  What was the last thing you draw?
NKK: hmm ha-ha I don’t know this…. I like to, since my memory is really bad I try to keep thing on my notes, so I keep this diary where I draw some emotions, so this doddles are kind of the las thing that I draw.
[Some comics on studio class, and design letters of studio class]

VR: So you told me other day that you where thinking in majoring in phycology before you came here, why did you thought of psychology and why at the end you chose art school?
NKK: Have I told you there is this kind of family business of school? well my grand father he owns this private middle school on Korea and my mother took place after him, she’s the owner right now, so ever since I was young she expected me to take her place when I grew up, so my whole life was like “your going to study” and later “your going to study something related with education or phycology and then take my place there” and for a quite long time there was this will that I kind of had of studying education or phycology but later on I realized maybe it isn’t that I want but ‘cause my mother kind of brainwashed me to do it.  So on high school I found out  that ever since I was on middle school I like to draw I like to doodle. But there is this thing my mom believes that I wasn’t born for drawing.

 NKK: So that’s what my mom believed, but I study high school in this really tough high school in Korea, the students are known to be really smart, so I kind of stressed up, and I though I study hard there but I felt drawing is more fun and interesting for me.

VR: So did your parents try to stop you?
NKK: Yeah, so they try to stop me but they didn’t force me to study phycology. They couldn’t stop me of studying here; so I’m pretty satisfied.

VR: What Hobbies do you have?
NKK:  So in Korea there is like these sites of comics, so my hobby is kind to see every single comic there is in those sites.

NKK: So, I shouldn’t be watching so many comics but it was one of the reasons that made me made up my mind and decided arts… and that why I’m here! in parsons!

It doesn't take a 100 years for loneliness, Memoir

My school bus driver always told me,"People nowadays seem blind. " He used to  say lack the ability to admire the beauty of the simple things like

flowers or a smiles.  I must say, I never forgot his words. thats why every time I traveled to my school the path was different. Traveling to my school, since it was on Bogota's outskirts, was like driving in Garcia Marquez's Hundred Years of Solitude.  The unpaved street mixed with the peasant infrastructure gave the landscape a quaint feeling.  However what gave the scenery much of its magic, like in  Garcia's tales, was the little public school on the corner of the road; better known as "El salitre.”

Children from  "El Salitre" love to go to my schools activities. These activities are
mainly organized by the interested seniors. My interest in these activities lead me
to that one experience that shaped and changed my life.The beginning of this experience started on a late hot October day of my senior year. when my friends and I started planning Halloween for the community and our schoolmates.

As a Halloween freak,  I was in total ecstasy and started throwing out millions of ideas. After we discussed the ideas for a while we were able to choose a theme. We all elected my idea, "Animal Kingdom," which made me get more excited about the event. That day I got up earlier and become the Lioness of our show. When the costume was completed,
along with my frien’s costumes, it created an amazed sensation in the crowd.It all become a tropical jungle, you could see the monkeys screaming across the place,the zebras running through the veld, and of course the lion growling loud to the animal
kingdom. Amazed by our striking colors, all this kids had their eyes wide open making
every second a bigger smile while we walked throughout the people. The radiant sun of
that days mixed with the Colombian tropic weather produced in all of them a gigantic
energy that made them part of the parade. The veld was then covered up by a
magnificent folkloric din of laughing and giggles.
The joy didn't end there. As a matter of fact we decided to create a haunted house in
the Art and Theater room. As follows to make it as scarier as I could, I offer myself to
buy the decoration. I've always enjoyed doing handcraft hence I got as focus as I could
on this. I bought all sorts of spooky stuff. I spend my night painting the graves and

building up the skeletons so that on Sunday, with the help of my friends, I could go back
to school to build up the haunted house. At the end the haunted house turned to be
perfect the graves gave that raw smell all over the place and the skeletons where really
helpful, they took their places and came into character.We certainly didn't regret a moment of our hard work. As foolish as it may sound when I saw all those kids fighting to be the first in line. I felt for the first time in my life that I had
finally done something perfect.
Time has passed by and I have realized that the words my bus driver once told me have
stayed with me all along the way, becoming part of my wisdom. There is no doubt Iíve
seen blind people who care less about beautiful things. Nevertheless kids from "El
Salitre" aren't blind they have the ability to enjoy even the more smallest things, as it is
a dance or paint on a mirror. Nowadays I look back with sorrow to those good
memories, just as Jose Aureliano Buendia remembered Macondo in a Hundred years of
solitude. One day that unpaved road will disappear from the memories of everybody
and nobody will ever know all those happy memories those kids brought me. Just as
Garcia's town Macondo disappeared from the earth facet.

Bridge Project Reflection Through Multiple Perspectives

 So our project idea it's basically help people or prevent people from login in to social media apps, such as facebook, mail, twitter, instagram among others. So thoughout different wallpapers, both humourous and encouraging, we intent to prevent individuals from sliding their phones and login in into all this media addiction.

Our group name and logo is Disconnect. In it we try to resemble a charger disconected from electricity.
Before we started our project we created several questions to get an idea on what were peoples weakness and taste.

Survey Questions 

1. What is your wallpaper?
1. My boyfriend
2. A musician I like
3. A series that I like
4.a gallery photo
5. A painting team
7. An ilustration of a women
8. A drawing
9. An elefant
10. A picture of a guy and a women

2. What kind of quotes do you like? -
b. Personal affirmation: III
(a lot of people didnt know what personal affirmation was) 

3. Where do you check your phone?
1. Everywhere
2. WhennI receive an email
3 on class and before bed
4. On the bathroom
5 all the time
6. On the gym
7. Dont use phone that often almost never, just to call
8. All the time
9. In class
10. On the subway

Do I think our project acomplish our mission?
I MUST SAY YES! I proudly think we did acomplish our goals and I dont say it because is my project, but because some friends have been laughing at our wallpapers, founding them funny and even asking me where to get them!.   

Some sketches and final wallpapers!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Tech/Life balance

Mission:  create six entertaining phone wallpapers that help people unplug from technology.


1. What is your wallpaper?
2. what kind of quotes do you like?
a.  Humor
b. personal affirmation
3. where do you check your phone?
4.what do you check on your phone?
5.when and how long did you check your phone?
6.when was the las time you spend 24 hours or more without your phone?


Thursday, October 10, 2013



                               “ I don’t like to write that is why I draw” 

When I interviewed Na Kyung one part of the interview was talking about her difficulties. After a time we end up talking of how much she hated all the sat and essay admission parts. 
We talked and and talked and after a while she just throw out this quote which I think it defines her and I though it would be perfect to make an interactive portrait. 
Here are some attempts.